Student Technology Use and Expectations
The HDSB Code of Conduct can be found on of conduct.
Orchard Park's & Ministry of Education rules around personal cell phones/devices to keep in mind:
Cell phones must ALWAYS be kept in student's backpack and turned off during instructional time and nutrition breaks.
If a student needs to call home, they should come to the office and a call will be made from the office phone.
Cell phones, Apple/Android watches, chrome books/laptops (from home) are all devices that should be kept in student's backpack.
If a student does not follow the above expectations, the following consequences will occur:
First offense - device is taken away and handed into the office until the end of the day. There may be communication to parent/guardian.
Second offense - device is taken away and handed into the office until the end of the day. There will communication to parent/guardian. Parent/guardian may be asked to pick up the device.
Third offense and beyond - device to stay at home. Parent will be asked to pick up device if it is out in school.